We employ 41 teachers, supported by a team of passionate volunteers in each division. Silver Linings originally began with 7 children in 2002, initiated by a group of parents motivated to educate and uplift the lives of their children who needed special educational attention.
We pride ourselves on our professional team of qualified and dedicated staff, the majority of whom possess degrees in Special Needs Education and have years of experience behind them.
Jeremy Brooke
Trust Chairman
Jennifer Shava
William Annandale
Sharon Mamutse
Leigh Howes
Marion Du Preez
Silver Linings Trust’s fundraising efforts are aimed at expanding our reach and impact of Special Needs services to the wider Special Needs community in Zimbabwe. Our goal is to have effective donor supported initiatives that will help us to (i) sustain our existing infrastructure, (ii) expand the Trust’s facilities and centres, and (iii) subsidise those who cannot afford the services provided by Silver Linings Trust. We also aim to raise money and donations to meet the ongoing needs of the Centres, as articulated in the Centre specific Wishlists, as well as coordinating Centre based fundraising activities through an annual Activity plan. We strongly believe in a non-negotiable report back mechanism, where we communicate with our donors on feedback regarding how their funds were utilized.